Who knew that being a twin could be so difficult? In Audrey Niffenegger's latest novel she takes the reader into the lives of Julia and Valentina Poole. An aunt they've never met (their mother's twin sister) has died of cancer and left all of her money and her flat in London to the girls under the condition that their parents will never set foot into the loft. So the twins leave their Chicago suburb and move to London for a year. They have just turned 21 years old. They explore London, meet the other curious residents of their building, including Robert, the boyfriend of their aunt, and experience a supernatural mystery.
I adored The Time Traveler's Wife, but I think Niffenegger wasn't quite as authentically inspired for this latest novel. The characters are drawn almost in black in white in comparison. The story piqued my interest during the first couple of chapters, but took a long plateau in the middle. The end of the plot was easily foreseen more then halfway through, but Niffenegger did a good job of making me question motives and wonder what the future would hold for the characters.
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