Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Audrey Niffennegger and Elizabeth Kostova

Two of my favorite authors will be in Portland within two days of each other! Very exciting. Powells Books is presenting Audrey Niffenegger on Monday, January 25th at their Cedar Hills Crossing location and Elizabeth Kostova on Wednesday, January 27th at their downtown location. They both released books this fall, but they are in my favor for their books The Time Traveler's Wife (Niffenegger) and The Historian (Kostova). If you are in the Portland area then I recommend you check out powells.com and click on the tab "Stores and Events" and then "Events Calendar".


CJ said...

Okay, don't laugh, but when this came up on my RSS reader, I didn't look at who the post was from. I was so excited to let you know about this that I almost sent you a link to your own post! Sadly, I don't think I can make either one. I hope you can.

Mel said...

You are too funny! I also don't think I can make either. They land on two of the busiest nights of the week for me. Argh!