Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Time Traveler's Wife

When this book was recommended to me by a friend (thank you, thank you Mitzi!) I pictured a mass market style sci-fi novel with a really lame picture on the cover. Was I ever surprised when I found it and read it. I actually paid full price at Barnes & Noble for my copy. (I rarely do that. I'm all about finding used copies at interesting places. I also love my library.) The Time Traveler's Wife is Audrey Niffenegger's first novel. She has also written several graphic novels. She must be brilliant to write such a book while also teaching full time at a college. The book takes the reader through the lives of Henry and Clare and the odd formation of their relationship. Henry is a time traveler, but not the kind we often see in movies. He is not in control of his time traveling and is very weary from it. I found myself feeling so connected with Henry and Clare that I cried at the end of the book.

1 comment:

Jane Jane said...

Ha ha. Glad you decided to not let your preconceived notions on this book stop you from reading it! It's the antithesis of science fiction in some ways and it's a book I often think about in that "pops into my head at weird moments" kind of way.